Your Tooth After A Root Canal Treatment

15 July 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Infected teeth do require immediate and complete dental treatment as soon as possible. Root canals are the most common and complete treatments available to you. Your dentist will make sure that all infected materials are removed from the inside of the tooth during the procedure, and there are a few things you should understand about the tooth once the treatment is over.

Your Tooth Will Be Dead

Root canals mean that the entire root structure of the tooth is cleaned out and cleared of any and all blood vessels, soft tissues, dental nerves, and infectious fluids residing in the tooth. This is how the infection is addressed: through removal of tissues that are infected or may become infected from residual bacteria left behind in the tooth. 

Since every living part of the tooth is destroyed and removed in the process, your tooth will be dead once the root canal is over. This can mean a few different things for you. The tooth will no longer have feeling, so you will not feel pressure on the tooth when you bite down, and you also will not feel any hot or cold sensations. You will need to be careful biting due to this reduced sensation.

Also, since the tooth no longer receives any direct nutrition through the blood vessels, the tooth will become dry and this can lead to some cracks later on.

A Crown May Be Necessary

Oftentimes, your dentist will leave your tooth as is after the root canal. The center portion of the tooth is filled in with a rubber-like material and the access hole created in the crown is fitted with a resin filling. 

While the tooth may be left alone at this time, your dentist will watch carefully to make sure that the tooth does not start to chip or crack. If there is a chance that the biting edge will break, then your dentist will order a dental crown.

Crowns do give strength to teeth that are susceptible to catastrophic damage. The crown process will ensure that you can retain the natural root of the tooth, as this will allow you to chew and bite naturally. The alternative is to wait until the tooth cracks and an extraction is needed to restore the dental structure. 

If you want to know more about root canals and the future of your dental health after the treatment is over, speak with your oral care professional. 
