Dental Implants: Mini or Traditional?

19 June 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have missing teeth, you might be interested in a permanent solution: dental implants. This dental procedure places posts directly into the gums and jawbone to secure a natural-looking faux tooth on top. Dental implants have been around for a while, but new advances in cosmetic dentistry mean that mini implants are now an option. For some, mini implants can be the answer they've been waiting for. Read on to find out what makes mini implants different from traditional implants.

Appearance Matters

The visible part of any implant is called the crown. They are shaped to appear just like your natural tooth, and just like crowns that are attached to partial natural teeth, implant crowns are shaded to fit in with your other teeth. Whether you are considering mini implants or traditional implants, the crown part can be constructed of a variety of materials. They might be made of ceramics or porcelain with several types of metals mixed in for strength and durability. Whatever material you choose for your mini implant or traditional implant, it's sure to fit right in with your smile.

Size Matters

What sets mini implants apart from traditional implants is the size of the post. Traditional implants require good bone density, and some patients are left out of the implant choice if they don't have enough bone in the jaw to support the post. Mini implants are often only about half the size of a traditional implant. Since mini implants are not placed as deeply into the jaw, they can impact the strength and durability, however. If you have enough bone density to be approved for a traditional implant, you might be better off going that route. If you don't, however, mini implants can still provide you with a long-lasting alternative. Since mini implants have not been available for very long, it's hard to know whether they stand the test of time as well as traditional implants do.

Attachment Matters

The way that mini implants are attached differs a bit from the placement of traditional implants. The difference is not likely to be noticed since it only shortens the procedure by a few minutes. Traditional implants require a step where an abutment is attached to the post. Mini implants already have a small piece on the top where the crown is attached.

To help you make the choice between mini implants and traditional implants, speak to your dentist today.
