What Can Dental Crowns Do For You?

10 June 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If your dentist has asked that you come in for a dental crown, you may be in some pain. You may be looking for the answer to your dental issues, and the answer may be in the form of a crown.

Why Do You Need Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns address a wide variety of dental issues. One of your teeth may be incredibly weak and unable to stay in place without a crown or a bridge. Crowns can also cover discoloration that may be otherwise unsightly. Cosmetic crowns can provide you with a beautiful smile.

What Types of Dental Crowns Are Available?

Different types of dental crowns are available to treat dental issues. Each type of crown has its own benefits and downsides. Ceramic or porcelain crowns are most commonly used in the front teeth because they are visually appealing. These crowns can easily blend in with the rest of your teeth, so nobody will know that you have a crown. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are stronger than crowns simply made of porcelain. They may last a lot longer than some of the other options.

Resin crowns are often less expensive than the other options available. Unfortunately, they may face more wear and tear than the other choices too. They are not as durable as porcelain crowns, for instance. Stainless steel crowns are not necessarily common anymore. Also known as "metal caps," these crowns are often used in children with baby teeth. Not sure which kind of crown is right for you? Your dentist may have some suggestions.

How Does a Dentist Install a Crown?

Dental crowns may require several visits to the dentist's office. The first dental appointment typically involves preparing the tooth for a crown and ensuring that the tooth can provide enough support for installation. If the tooth is broken or damaged, the dentist may first need to insert a filling. The dentist may also take an impression of the tooth so that a laboratory can create a permanent crown. In the meantime, you can wear a temporary crown.

The second visit to the dental office will include placements of your permanent dental crown. Upon removal of the temporary crown, the dentist will position the new crown with an adhesive that is meant to last on a long-term basis.

Unfortunately, it may take some time before you are completely used to the way the crown feels in your mouth. With time and use, you will begin to talk and eat normally. For more information, check out a website like http://www.barnstabledental.com.
