Will Getting Dental Implants Hurt?

28 August 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When a tooth is heavily decayed or damaged, it may need to be extracted. Dental implants are one great solution for a missing tooth, but people tend to have a few questions about them.

Why Do People Choose Dental Implants at All?

If the extracted tooth is at the front part of the mouth, then this can cause some awkward moments in your social life. This is a reason why people usually get prosthetic teeth, along with the desire for a durable solution for a tooth replacement.

The most common prosthetic teeth that people usually get are dentures. But dentures require a good deal of maintenance, especially before you go to bed. It should always be removed before going to bed and placed inside a container with a sterile liquid. And it is embarrassing for young people to admit that they use dentures with their friends and family. This is why it's much more ideal that you use a dental implant for your missing teeth.

Will They Hurt?

But the question in your mind when you hear dental implants is usually, does it hurt? After all, it is a surgery. Surprisingly, the answer is generally no. Dental implants are an artificial tooth root that is placed in your jaw to hold a prosthetic tooth or bridge. The dentist usually puts you under general anaesthesia before they perform the procedure. After the operation you might feel some discomfort, but it would be similar to the discomfort you have after you had your tooth extraction. There are actually two types of dental implants, and they are:

Endosteal – this is the most common type of implant, and it installs a platform for your teeth in the jaw bone. There will usually be screws and cylinders surgically placed in the bone and the prosthetic tooth or teeth are attached to these.

Subperiosteal – this is a less common type of implant, usually for people who have less bone height. The dental implants are placed on the top of the jaw with metal frameworks attached to the gums. These then hold the prosthetic teeth. It should be noted that these implants do not attach themselves in the bone but only on top of it.

Neither of these should be uncomfortable, although subperlosteal implants are slightly more likely to fail. If you decide to get the procedure, you still need to treat your new prosthetic teeth like your normal teeth. You have to brush them regularly, floss and use mouth wash. You will need to keep them plaque free as well, and your dentist will also need to check-up on the new teeth as well so be prepared to regularly visit your dentist. A lot of your fears can be dissuaded with a visit to a dentist, who will tell you how fail safe dental implants can be.

Contact an office, like Oral Surgery Associates Inc, for more help.
