Three Dental Implant Myths: Busted Wide Open

23 May 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Dental implants are becoming more and more common as patients become more aware of their benefits. However, there are still patients with missing teeth who avoid having implants put in place because they've heard one of these common myths about implants. The thing is, these myths are simply untrue! Here's a look at three such false myths -- and the real truth you should consider as you consider whether or not to get an implant.

Myth: Dental implants are a new procedure.

Some patients opt against implants because they're under the impression that they're a new dental treatment and thus have not been fully researched yet. However, dental implants have actually been around since the early 20th century. An early type of implant known as the Greenfield system was used as early as 1913, and titanium implants, the type most commonly used today, were invented in the 1950s. So, dentists and researchers have had many years to study and perfect dental implants, making the procedure very safe and effective.

Myth: Dental implant surgery has a high risk of failure.

You may have heard horror stories of patients whose implant sites became infected or of patients who lost their implants just weeks after the procedure. While side effects and implant rejections do occur (no surgery is 100% successful and without risk), these problems are very rare. The procedure has a success rate of 98.4% according to recent studies. If your dentist feels that you are not a candidate for implants and have a high risk of side effects, he or she will likely recommend against the procedure in the first place.

Myth: Dental implants will look like false teeth.

Years ago, some implants were obvious if you looked closely, mostly because the crowns were made from metal covered with porcelain, resulting in a metal "ring" around the base of the false tooth. While this type of implant crown does still exist today, most dentists and their patients now opt for all-porcelain crowns. These crowns are made to look just like your natural teeth, both in terms of shape and color. Once your implants are healed, nobody will be able to tell them apart from your natural teeth except for a dentist.

If you are hesitant to get dental implants, be sure to bring your concerns up to your dentist. They can tell you whether your concerns are legitimate, or if they are based on false myths. For more information, contact a dentist such as Michael K Sakuda DDS.     
