What Factors Lead To A Successful Root Canal?

7 April 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

A root canal surgery is an expensive procedure, but if everything goes to plan, you can have a lifelong treatment for a failing tooth. But there are a couple of steps that need to be a success in order to count on complete treatment with a root canal. Here are some of the factors that affect the success of a root canal.

Complete Assessment

First of all, it helps if you have a comprehensive dental exam to determine whether you are the right candidate for root canals. A dental exam can turn up a lot of information. It determines the number of cavities you have, whether you have any oral diseases, and your overall dental health. All of these matter for a root canal. If your oral health is poor, infection may persist. And if you have multiple cavities, the bacteria from one tooth could penetrate the enamel of your root canal tooth if you don't put a crown on it.

Complete Antibacterial Treatment

Before your root is sealed during root canal surgery, your dentist will apply a strong antibiotic to the tooth's roots to kill off any bacteria that was resting in the decaying root material. That may be left for days or weeks to do a thorough job, and then your dentist will check to ensure no more infection is persisting before sealing up the area. This is step one in preventing a recurring infection in the tooth.

Complete Sealing of the Canal Against Bacteria

Another factor is how successful your dentist is at completely sealing the tooth against bacteria. For one, that depends on making sure to remove all tooth pulp. It also depends on full antibacterial treatment of the entire tooth canal. When your dentist seals the roots, they must get fully into the tip of the roots so that there is no dead space where bacteria can collect.

Restorative Crowns

Another important thing is to always get a restorative crown placed over your root canal. The material put in place when the endodontist seals your tooth is only meant to be a temporary fix until you can get a crown placed over the tooth. The porcelain crown will provide a strong surface that is resistant to breakage or decay, whereas your sealed tooth could still get a cavity and undo the work of your root canal.

Proper Patient Care

Finally, the last factor in a successful root canal is how well you take care of the tooth after your root canal and crown have healed in place. Your doctor will advise you to certain foods and objects that you should avoid chewing on, because they could unseat the crown and allow bacteria to enter the sealed tooth cavity. You will also want to ensure that you continue brushing and flossing the tooth (and the ones around it) as normal. With all of these things in place, you shouldn't have to worry about additional expenses on your tooth after the root canal has taken place.
