The Risks Of One-Step Dental Implants

23 March 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Getting a dental implant is the best option for replacing a missing tooth, and this process usually involves two steps. There are dentists that may offer one-step implants, though. While these can sometimes be effective, there are risks you may encounter if you choose to get a one-step implant instead of a two-step implant. Here are several things you should know about the difference in these options and the risks you may encounter.

One-Step Implant vs. Two-Step Implant

A typical dental implant requires two steps. The first step involves placing the implant into the jawbone where the tooth is missing. After this is complete, the dentist will wait for three to six months before proceeding. This time period is used to allow the jawbone to completely fuse with the implant, and this is a process dentists call osseointegration. When the implant and jawbone fuse together, they become one. This creates an extremely strong bond, which is one of the reasons why dental implants are so durable and resilient.

After the three- to six-month period has passed, the dentist will check the implant (typically by taking an x-ray) to make sure the process of osseointegration is complete. If so, the dentist will complete the second step of the procedure, which involves inserting a titanium post to the implant and placing a crown (also called an abutment) on the post. This will complete the process of getting an implant, and it will have required at least two dental visits and numerous months.

Some dentists offer one-step implants, which involve all the same parts of an implant. The difference is that a dentist will complete the entire process all at once. This is why it is called a one-step implant. It can all be completed at one appointment and there is no waiting involved.

Risks Of One-Step Implants

A one-step implant eliminates the entire waiting time needed for an implant to fuse with the bone. Because of this, there are several risks involved with getting a one-step implant. The primary risk of choosing a one-step implant is the potential for the implant to come out, and this is often caused by overloading.

Overloading can happen if you use the tooth of the implant in a way that is too rough. For example, if you bite down on something hard, the pressure from this could loosen the implant and cause it to fall out. This is not a risk you would have with a two-step implant, because the implant will be fused with the bone completely. This fusion causes a permanent bond between the bone and the implant.

Another risk you will have with a one-step implant is infection. While an infection could occur with any type of implant, you may be at a higher risk for developing an infection with a one-step implant. This occurs because fusion and healing take time. To insert the implant, the dentist must cut open your gums and jawbone. If food or bacteria get trapped in this hole, it could cause an infection. In addition, if you smoke, your jawbone might take more time to heal, which could also increase your chances of developing an infection.

Finally, to get a one-step implant, you must have a sufficient amount of jawbone and the bone must be healthy. If your jawbone does not meet the characteristics, you are more likely to experience problems with any type of implant.

If you are tired of missing a tooth in your mouth, getting a dental implant is a good option. To learn more about dental implants, contact a dentist in your area today, such as those at Gordon Dental.
