Tooth Reshaping Frequently Asked Questions

11 February 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

From intensive tooth whitening to drastic dental procedures, some people require more extreme intervention than most to achieve the straight, beautiful smile of their dreams. However, what if your teeth are healthy, but you have just a few minor structural imperfections that require attention? Dental contouring or reshaping is an inexpensive, quick way for you to get rid of any minor damages that only affect your teeth's appearance now, but that can also impact their health in the future. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about dental reshaping:

What Exactly Is Tooth Reshaping?

Tooth reshaping is a dental procedure that helps remove minor imperfections from the edges of the teeth. Typically, tooth reshaping is used to correct the following issues:

  • Minor chips and cracks
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Sharp points
  • Teeth that are too long

During the procedure, your cosmetic dentist will often utilize a bonding compound and a specialized tool to create a tooth that is uniform and fits well with the surrounding teeth.

What Is Involved in the Process?

The dentist will begin by examining your teeth to determine if you are a good candidate for reshaping. Typically, the reshaping will only impact the enamel, or the hard outer coating of the teeth. However, if your teeth require further work, such as reshaping the pulp in addition to the enamel, your dentist will take X-rays to help prevent any pain or damage.

Next, the dentist will determine if you will require dental bonding. Dental bonding is used if your teeth are chipped, uneven, or require the bonding compound to create a smooth edge. The bonding compound is applied to the edge of the teeth. Once the bonding compound is dry, a specialized grinding tool is used to gently reshape the teeth. Sand paper strips are then used to gently contour the teeth to provide a more natural appearance. Finally, a specialized tool is used to polish and smooth your newly shaped teeth. 

If your dentist doesn't need to reshape the pulp, the process will be painless and won't require any anesthesia.

According to Cost Helper Health, the typical cost to have your teeth reshaped is approximately $50 to $500 per tooth. It also takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes per tooth to complete the process.

A few patients experience some minor tooth sensitivity after the procedure. Luckily, the issue only lasts for a few days. If you are considering tooth reshaping and have a history of tooth sensitivity, talk to your cosmetic dentist about any potential issues.

What Are the Pros of Tooth Contouring and Reshaping?

In addition to improving your smile, there are several other advantages to having your teeth reshaped. Here are just a few:

  • If you're considering braces, tooth reshaping might provide you with the look you're after. This is a great option if your teeth slightly overlap, but are otherwise healthy and straight.
  • In addition to eliminating minor dental imperfections, having your teeth reshaped can actually eliminate any plaque and tartar build-up that can occur in minor overlaps.
  • One of the biggest advantages of reshaping and contouring is the results are instant!

Additionally, if your teeth were damaged because of an accident or other injury, your insurance might pay for the reshaping procedure. Don't hesitate to contact your insurance provider to help determine if the procedure is covered.

From eliminating those pointy canines you've always hated to getting rid of some minor cracks and chips that you recently suffered, tooth reshaping can help you achieve the straight, beautiful smile you've always wanted. If you're unsure whether you're a good candidate or have any other questions about this quick and painless procedure, don't hesitate to contact your cosmetic dentist immediately. 
