3 Health Problems Untreated Gum Disease Can Lead To

28 January 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Your dentist is likely to recommend visiting him or her every six months for a cleaning and checkup, and sticking to this schedule may help you prevent developing gum disease. Gum disease forms when plaque is left on your teeth for too long, which means you may be able to prevent this disease by keeping your teeth plaque-free. By doing this, you will not only have a better chance of preventing gum disease, but you may also have a better chance of preventing a variety of other health problems that gum disease can cause. Here are three health problems untreated gum disease can lead to.

Heart Problems

One of the main health problems you can encounter from leaving gum disease untreated involves problems with your heart. Gum disease is a condition that causes the gums to recede, and this occurs from bacteria found in plaque. As gum disease develops, a great deal of bacteria resides in a person's mouth, and this bacteria can leave the mouth and travel through the bloodstream.

If this occurs, the bacteria could travel to the heart, which can cause a variety of problems. For one, it can lead to an infection in the heart. It can also cause blood clots to form and prevent blood flow to and from the heart. Because of these effects, you will have a greater chance of developing heart disease, stroke, or heart attack if you fail to properly treat gum disease. There have been many studies on this subject, and researchers are continuing to find correlations between gum disease and heart problems.


A second risk you have with leaving gum disease untreated is developing diabetes. For years, researchers have found that people with diabetes often end up with gum disease, but newer studies reveal that people with gum disease may have an increased risk of developing diabetes. This is likely because gum disease causes infections and inflammation in the mouth. Both of these factors can lead to a decrease in a person's immune system's functions, and inflammation in the body is directly linked to diabetes.

In addition, if you have gum disease and diabetes, you may also have a harder time keeping control over your blood-glucose levels. The bacteria from gum disease can increase the amount of sugar you have in your body. Because of this, you may find that your diabetes is harder to control after developing gum disease.

People with diabetes have an increased risk of developing gum disease and other oral health problems. Because of this, people with diabetes must take every step necessary to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

Respiratory Issues

The third issue to be concerned with is the risk of developing respiratory issues if you have gum disease. The bacteria present with gum disease can harm many parts of your body, including your lungs. When you inhale, small particles of bacteria can actually end up inside your lungs. Because of the large amount of bacteria present with gum disease, your chances of developing respiratory issues are much greater if you have gum disease.

When the bacteria ends up in your lungs, it can lead to an infection, which could cause you to develop bronchitis, pneumonia, or other types of respiratory issues. The best way to avoid this problem is by making sure you get the right treatment for your gum disease.

If you suspect or find out that you have gum disease, make sure you get it treated as quickly as possible. By doing this, you will be able to obtain a healthier mouth, and you may be able to prevent other types of health problems. To learn more, contact a dentist today to schedule a cleaning and examination. Visit a website like http://www.childrensdent.com for more information.
