Oral Health Care Tips For 50+

21 December 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

As you get older, your entire body goes through all sorts of changes, including your mouth, teeth, and gums. To remain healthy, it's important that you know how to recognize these changes, but that you're also prepared to meet the needs of your oral health as you go through this transition. If you're 50 or older, learn some important care tips for your teeth.

Maintain Overall Health

It's critical you keep your overall health in check. Did you know that the condition of your oral health is a direct reflection of your overall health? Certain medical conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes can also alter the way your mouth processes bacteria and your risk for an oral infection. Unfortunately, as you age and become more sedentary, you can increase your risk for developing these conditions and therefore put your oral health at risk.

Chew Wisely

Be mindful of what you eat. When every person is a child, their enamel is solid, and their teeth are strong. However, with oral care mistakes over the years and age, the enamel can start to wear, and once it's gone, it's gone forever. A tooth with weakened enamel is at an elevated risk of breaking. For this reason, you should be mindful about using your teeth to crack nuts or chewing ice as you could easily damage your teeth in older age. 

Don't Miss Checkups

Ensure you don't miss any of your checkups. As previously mentioned, your oral health is a mirror to the rest of your body. If you're suffering from any underlying medical conditions, there are always signs when your oral health is going in the wrong direction. If your dental provider can catch the red flags soon enough, they may be able to control the problem. However, doing so requires you to regularly visit the dentist. 

Keep Your Gums Healthy

When you see older adults begin to lose their teeth, often time, the problem has something to do with their gums. Gum recession is a common problem as you age. When the gums recede, the tooth doesn't have the support system it needs, which could cause it to fall out. Often time, periodontal disease is responsible for the recession, which is a form of infection. Regular brushing, flossing, and following a balanced diet can help avoid this concern. 

No matter your age, remember that good oral health begins with a good oral hygiene regimen at home, so ensure you do your part to work in the right direction. Contact a clinic, like Thornley Dental, for more help.
